Large White Oak 0-drawers Chest Of Drawers with Doors and Backpanels veneer - 230x103x32cm

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Large White Oak 0-drawers Chest Of Drawers with Doors and Backpanels veneer - 230x103x32cm

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Your Chest of Drawers specification

Tylko Original

Furniture that fits for people that don't

Tylko Original Chest of Drawers

Simply the chest for keeping clothes, treasures, cosmetics, clutter in order. Whatever you need to store, design your dream set of drawers and get organised.

  • Non-toxic, natural materials
  • Super sturdy construction
  • Scratch-resistant finish
  • Easy to build & disassemble

Every millimetre is yours

Perfect fit furniture

High density board topped with real wood


Timeless style inspired by nature




Tylko's rating based on 8272 reviews

zo verliefd op onze nieuwe kast. we zijn helemaal weg van de kwaliteit en vooral van de praktische laden.

zo verliefd op onze nieuwe kast. we zijn helemaal weg van de kwaliteit en vooral van de praktische laden.

Nora & Laura from regions.Germany

Calidad y facilidad de montaje

Calidad y facilidad de montaje

Jonas from Spain

Happy with my new beautiful and own designed furniture!

Happy with my new beautiful and own designed furniture!

Ana from Spain

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With the Type01 ash veneer chest of drawers, you can invite the warmth of real wood into any room, easily. We put furniture design at your fingertips with the easy online configurator so you can click and swipe your way to your ideal ash wood veneer chest of drawers in moments. Whether you need a low, wide unit with a few drawers, or a taller mix of doors, drawers and open shelves (or something in between!), this is not your normal one-size-fits-all dresser – it's storage exactly how you want it. With its timeless natural style, each ash veneer chest of drawers features a unique grain pattern and a soft, tactile finish that makes it irresistible to touch – and a joy to use.

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